2404 Western Ave, Ste. B, Las Vegas, NV 89102


How It Works

When you enter LV Floral’s online platform, you unlock a diverse collection of flowers and foliage. To ensure personalized service, please complete the registration form accurately by following the instructions below.

  1. Complete the Registration Form: Ensure all details are accurate for a tailored shopping experience.
  2. Download and Sign: Access the form here. Please download, sign it, and attach your resale certificate below.
  3. Submit: Once everything is in order, hit the submit button at the page’s end.

Your application will typically be reviewed within 1-3 business days. Upon approval, we’ll email your login credentials for immediate access to our online catalog, along with instructions for setting up your account to ensure you have a seamless shopping experience.

In a Time Crunch? Reach out directly or give us a call at (702) 383-0603. We’re committed to making your floral journey both enjoyable and hassle-free.

A Friendly Reminder: LV Floral proudly operates as a wholesale provider, which means our beautiful ecommerce services are exclusive to our industry partners and not available for direct public purchase.

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Are you a current LV Wholesale customer?

Do you need a sales rep to connect with you immediately regarding an order and/or pricing?

Would you like your LV Floral Wholesale Rep to walk you through buying online?

At LV Floral, we understand that plans can change. When placing an order with us, we trust that you've communicated with your clientele regarding order modifications and have taken necessary precautions to safeguard your business through agreements, upfront payments, or insurance.

We're committed to flexibility and will honor cancellations provided they're communicated via email at least 10 days before the scheduled delivery date.

Thank you for your understanding and continued partnership.

At LV Floral, we're passionate about bringing you the freshest and finest flowers. Yet, we understand that nature's beauty, being delicate, may sometimes present challenges.

To foster transparency and maintain our bond of trust, we've outlined the steps below for addressing any concerns:

1. First Look: As soon as your order arrives, take a moment to review the contents. This immediate assessment makes sure that any concerns are caught early.

2. Reach Out Swiftly: Should you spot inconsistencies, discrepancies, or quality concerns, don’t hesitate. Reach out to us within 24 hours. Direct your concerns to [support@lvfloral.com](mailto:support@lvfloral.com).

3. Show Us What You See: A picture is worth a thousand words. Help us understand your concerns better by sharing:
- At least three (3) vivid close-up shots of the concern. For larger orders spanning multiple boxes, a trio of images for each is ideal.
- Clear photo of the box labels.
- Any other relevant visuals that can assist.

4. Details Make the Difference: Include a concise write-up in your email, covering:
- Receipt date
- Your invoice reference
- The specific flower variety or product
- Count of units with issues
- Nature of your concern
- Total claimed amount
- Your dedicated sales contact, if any

5. Our Response: Once we've delved into the details, we'll share our findings. If your claim stands validated, you can expect a credit memo in your inbox.

6. Beyond Our Blooms: It's worth noting that LV Floral can't be held accountable for challenges faced during the delivery journey - be it unforeseen delays, climatic disruptions, carrier mishaps, or other external factors.

Your partnership means the world to us, and we're always here, striving to make your LV Floral experience unparalleled.

In the dynamic realm of floristry, specifics matter. Given the perishable nature of our offerings and the precision of our order processes, we act swiftly to fulfill your requests. While we understand changes might arise, orders can be canceled up to 10 days in advance.

We're dedicated to finding the most efficient shipping solution for you. However, the performance of third-party shipping companies is beyond our direct control. Freight delays due to external factors like weather disturbances or other unforeseen events are not under our purview. In cases of transit-related damage, it's crucial to mark the receipt as 'damaged' during pickup or delivery for potential credit considerations.

Should any concerns arise post-delivery, please reach out within 24 hours of receiving your order. Claims should be supported by clear photos illustrating the issue and indicating the number of stems affected, as detailed in our 'Claims and Credit Policy' above.